Drive Traffic, Convert Leads, Grow Revenue

We specialize in helping businesses of all sizes achieve success in the competitive landscape of advertising by optimizing their campaigns for maximum return on investment.

our trusted clients

Maximize Impact, Minimize Effort

Our team handles everything from identifying the appropriate target audience, crafting engaging ad copy, to monitoring performance, with the ultimate goal of ensuring that your advertising investment delivers maximum return on investment for your business.

Unbeatable Management

At Marketingo, we specialize in providing comprehensive Google Ads management services to help businesses achieve their advertising goals. Our team of experienced professionals works closely with you to develop and execute a tailored strategy that targets your ideal audience, maximizes ad performance, and delivers measurable results. From keyword research and ad creation to ongoing monitoring and optimization, we take care of all aspects of your Google Ads campaign to ensure that your advertising investment delivers the best possible return on investment.

Smart Automation

Our marketing campaigns leverage the sophisticated machine learning tools provided by Google Ads, allowing our team of professional campaign managers to effectively identify and optimize successful campaigns while discontinuing underperforming ones. With this approach, you can trust that your advertising budget is being used efficiently and effectively. Our team strives to generate positive return on investment for all campaigns, regardless of their initial performance.

Quality Marketing Creates Profitable Business
328.75% increase in product purchases only in 1 year!
Brooke Walton, Chief Revenue Officer


Increase in ROAS


Increase in Conversions


Decrease in Cost/Conversion


Decrease in Average CPC


Additional Leads Monthly

Fast Growth & Real Results for Impressive Brands

Marketingo helps you connect directly with your ideal customers so you can shorten your sales cycle, and close more deals at scale. Leverage our real-time people search engine to build a massive list of decision-makers.


Satisfied Busnisess


Spent on Advertising


Generated Leads


Average Return On Ad Spent


Frequently Asked Questions

We conduct thorough research on your industry and target audience to identify the most relevant and high-performing keywords. We also analyze your competitors’ keywords to ensure that we are targeting the right terms to reach your ideal customers.

Yes, we provide regular performance reports that show key metrics such as clicks, impressions, and conversions. We also offer transparent communication and are happy to discuss your campaign’s progress and answer any questions you may have.

The amount you should spend on Google Ads varies depending on your industry, competition, and advertising goals. Our team works with you to develop a customized budget that aligns with your business objectives and provides the best possible return on investment.

Results from Google Ads campaigns can vary depending on a variety of factors, including industry, competition, and ad spend. However, we typically see improvements in performance within the first few weeks of launching a campaign.

Our team of experienced professionals has a deep understanding of Google Ads and leverages sophisticated machine learning tools to optimize campaigns for maximum performance. We also provide personalized attention and custom strategies tailored to your business’s unique needs, ensuring that you get the best possible results from your advertising investment.

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